Who is Unpaid Seller and His Rights Against Buyer

Unpaid Seller and his rights

Unpaid Seller Under the Sale of Goods Act 1930: Under the Sale of Goods Act 1930, it is essential that in the contract of sale, the seller when selling his property or goods the seller becomes entitled to be paid consideration as agreed. Sometimes it may happen that a transaction of Sale has taken place but the buyer without any

Contract: Definitions and Essentials


Contract in Contract Act, 1872:  A Contract is an exchange of promises by two or more persons resulting in an obligation to do or refrain from doing a particular act, which obligation is recognized and enforced by law. Contract Breach Meaning of Contract: According to Black’s Law Dictionary: Contract means an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations that

Salient Features of 1962 Constitution of Pakistan

salient features of 1962 constitution of Pakistan

Introduction to the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan: The 1956 Constitution was abrogated by Muhammad Ayub Khan and Martial Law was enforced in the country in 1958. Muhammad Ayub Khan became the head of the state. In the 1956 Constitution, a Parliamentary form of Government was introduced. As a new constitution was required to run the country, the 1962 Constitution came

Begum Nusrat Bhutto VS Chief of Army

nusrat bhutto case

Introduction to Nusrat Bhutto Case: The judiciary plays a very important role in the interpretation of statutes and laws. The judiciary has a pivotal role in the development of law. It develops law by giving judgments that become precedents. So, precedents may be regarded as a source of law. In Pakistan too, the superior courts gave judgments that became precedents.

The State VS Dosso Case: PLD 1958 SC 533

dosso case

Introduction to The State VS Dosso Case: The judiciary plays a very important role in the interpretation of statutes and laws. The judiciary has a pivotal role in the development of law. It develops law by giving judgments that become precedents. So, precedents may be regarded as a source of law. In Pakistan too, the superior Courts gave judgments that

Objective Resolution 1949

objective resolution

Introduction to Objective Resolution 1949: The objectives resolution is mentioned in the preamble of the 1973 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. But it was not a substantive part of the Constitutional law. That’s why an amendment was made and Article 2-A came into existence. And it made the objectives resolution a substantive part of the Constitutional law. It

Consent In Contract Law

Free Consent in contract law

Introduction to Consent: Section 10 of the Contract Act, of 1872 lays down the essentials of a valid agreement, where it says that for an agreement to be valid, it should have been caused by the free consent of the parties. Contract: Definitions and Essentials Relevant Provisions: Sections 13, 14, 19, and 20 of the Contract Act, 1872. Meaning of

Definition of Contract of Agency and Its Essentials

Contract of agency and its essentials

A contract of agency is a two-party relationship in which one person acts as a representative to the other in business dealings in order to create contractual relations between that other and a third person. An agency may be created to perform any act that the creator of the agency himself could lawfully do. Contract: Definitions and Essentials Relevant Provisions: