Advantages and Disadvantages of Law

advantages and disadvantages of law

Jurists have expressed different views about the aim and performance of law. It’s well-known that law could be a dynamic concept which keeps on changing with time and place. It must change with changes in society. Law, in the modern

Administration of Justice and its Kinds

Administration of Justice and its kinds in detail

The administration of justice is the civilized substitute for private vengeance and retribution. It means the maintenance of rights in the political community by the physical force of the State. It involves i). the physical force of the State, ii).

Classification of Crimes in Criminal Law

Classification of Crimes

Crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it. In Pakistan where the whole criminal law is codified, crime means an act punishable by the Pakistan Penal Code or other penal statutes. Here

Jurisprudence – Meaning, Definition and Kinds

Jurisprudence meaning and definition

Jurisprudence Meaning: Jurisprudence is derived from the Latin word ‘jurisprudential’ which means ‘knowledge or skill of law’. The Latin word ‘Juris’ means ‘law’ and ‘prudential’ means ‘skill or knowledge. Thus, Jurisprudence signifies knowledge of the law and its application. Jurisprudence

Law: Meaning, Definition and its Kinds

Definitions of Law and Kinds of Law

Introduction: Law is derived from the German word ‘Lag’ means fixed or evenly. Politically, as per regulations and rules, Law is enforced by the State to regulate human conduct for the administration of Justice. Related Post: Advantages and Disadvantages of

Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee Definition

Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee

Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee: A contract of indemnity is a contract that is made to protect the promisee from anticipated loss. This contract depends upon happening a loss. Whereas a Guarantee is made to enable a person to get