Mortgage and Types of Mortgage in Law


Mortgage Definition: You will know here about Mortgage and types of Mortgage in Law in detail. It also covers the rights and liabilities of both parties to the Mortgage. According to Section 58, A mortgage is defined as “it is the transfer of an interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money advanced or

Transfer of Property in Law

Definition of transfer of property in law

Introduction to Transfer of Property: The Transfer of Property Act, of 1882 happened to be one of the early pieces of legislation of the nineteenth century. The Act has an important place in the statute book with the main objective to render the system of transfer of immovable property a system of public transfer. Registration is therefore insisted upon for

Zina and Zina Bil Jabr in Law


Zina in Law: Zina is an offence which is defined in the Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979. It means fornication or adultery. It is a commission of sexual intercourse without being validly married to a man and woman. Definition of Zina: According to Section 4 of the Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood), 1979; “A man and

Will Definition and Parties in Will

will definition and parties in will

Introduction to Will: There are many modes of transferring property from one person to another. These are non-testamentary like gift and sale and testamentary like will in which a person declares his wishes to transfer his property to certain persons or in a certain way, as per his wishes, to take effect after his death. Islamic law restricts the testamentary

Definition of Gift and Its Essentials

Definition of gift and its essentials

The definition of Gift is that it is a transfer of property made immediately and without any exchange or consideration, by one person to another (Donor) and accepted by or on behalf of the later (Donee). Meaning of Gift: According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “Something voluntarily transferred to one person by another without any compensation”. It means, “The donation of a

Muslim Marriage(Nikah): Essentials, Kinds and Muta

Muslim marriage nikah essentials kinds muta

Muslim Marriage(Nikah): Muslim Marriage(Nikah) is the central institution around which the whole family life revolves. Marriage is a process or a way through which a male and female become legal to one another in sexual activities. The procedure of Marriage is different in every religion. Hence, we will discuss here Muslim Marriage(Nikah) in detail. Definitions of Muslim Marriage(Nikah): According to