Salient Features of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan


The Constitution of 1973 – The third Constitution of Pakistan: The National Assembly of Pakistan unanimously approved the Constitution of 1973 on April 10, 1973. Two days later, on April 12, 1973, the drafted Constitution received the assent of the President. It was proclaimed on August 14, 1973. It has some salient features of the 1973 constitution of Pakistan (containing

Law: Meaning, Definition and its Kinds

Definitions of Law and Kinds of Law

Introduction to Law: Law is derived from the German word ‘Lag’, which means fixed or evenly. Politically, as per regulations and rules, Law is enforced by the State to regulate human conduct for the administration of Justice. Administration of Justice Meaning of Law: According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the meaning of the law is; “A binding custom or practice of

Classification of Crimes in Criminal Law

Classification of Crimes

Crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it. In Pakistan where the whole criminal law is codified, crime means an act punishable by the Pakistan Penal Code or other penal statutes. Here we will discuss in detail the classification of crimes in criminal law: Meaning of Crime: In legal terms, crime means

Advantages and Disadvantages of Law

advantages and disadvantages of law

Jurists have expressed different views about the aim and performance of law. It’s well-known that law could be a dynamic concept that keeps on changing with time and place. It must change with changes in society. Law, in the modern sense, is considered not as an end in itself but as a means to an end. This end is securing

Salient Features of 1962 Constitution of Pakistan

salient features of 1962 constitution of Pakistan

Introduction to the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan: The 1956 Constitution was abrogated by Muhammad Ayub Khan and Martial Law was enforced in the country in 1958. Muhammad Ayub Khan became the head of the state. In the 1956 Constitution, a Parliamentary form of Government was introduced. As a new constitution was required to run the country, the 1962 Constitution came

Begum Nusrat Bhutto VS Chief of Army

nusrat bhutto case

Introduction to Nusrat Bhutto Case: The judiciary plays a very important role in the interpretation of statutes and laws. The judiciary has a pivotal role in the development of law. It develops law by giving judgments that become precedents. So, precedents may be regarded as a source of law. In Pakistan too, the superior courts gave judgments that became precedents.

The State VS Dosso Case: PLD 1958 SC 533

dosso case

Introduction to The State VS Dosso Case: The judiciary plays a very important role in the interpretation of statutes and laws. The judiciary has a pivotal role in the development of law. It develops law by giving judgments that become precedents. So, precedents may be regarded as a source of law. In Pakistan too, the superior Courts gave judgments that

Objective Resolution 1949

objective resolution

Introduction to Objective Resolution 1949: The objectives resolution is mentioned in the preamble of the 1973 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. But it was not a substantive part of the Constitutional law. That’s why an amendment was made and Article 2-A came into existence. And it made the objectives resolution a substantive part of the Constitutional law. It