Classification of Crimes in Criminal Law

Classification of Crimes

Crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it. In Pakistan where the whole criminal law is codified, crime means an act punishable by the Pakistan Penal Code or other penal statutes. Here we will discuss in detail the classification of crimes in criminal law: Meaning of Crime: In legal terms, crime means

Administration of Justice and its Kinds

Administration of Justice and its kinds in detail

The administration of justice is the proper substitute for private vengeance and retribution. It means the maintenance of rights in the political community by the physical force of the State. It involves i). the physical force of the State, ii). Politically organized society and iii). Maintenance of rights as the object. Definitions of Administration of Justice: According to Lord Bryce;

Advantages and Disadvantages of Law

advantages and disadvantages of law

Jurists have expressed different views about the aim and performance of law. It’s well-known that law could be a dynamic concept that keeps on changing with time and place. It must change with changes in society. Law, in the modern sense, is considered not as an end in itself but as a means to an end. This end is securing

Dissolution of Marriage and Divorce Types

dissolution of marriage

Dissolution of Marriage: Dissolution of marriage takes place on any of the following grounds: – Apostasy: It is the renunciation of religious faith when a Muslim renounces his faith it is called apostasy ( Ridd). The person is called an apostate (Murtad). As per pure Islamic Law, a male apostate is liable to death, and a female is subjected to

Precedent Meaning and Classification of Precedent

Precedent Meaning and its classification

Introduction to Precedent In England, the Common Law also known as unwritten law has been preserved in the form of decisions of the superior courts since the close of the thirteenth century. T his body of case law is contained in Law Reports and has been handed down to this day. Since Royal Judges, exercising the prerogative of the Crown

How is a Precedent Disregarded

How is a Precedent Disregarded

How is a Precedent disregarded? A precedent may be disregarded in any one of the following two ways: 1). It may be overruled by a court of superior jurisdiction. In such an eventuality the precedent loses all its force with retrospective effect so that transactions entered into before the date of overruling shall be affected as much as the transaction

Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee Definition

Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee

Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee: A contract of indemnity is a contract that is made to protect the promisee from anticipated loss. This contract depends upon a loss. Whereas a Guarantee is made to enable a person to get a loan or goods on credits or employment. It may be oral or expressed. Indemnity Meaning: Indemnity means a promise to

Rights and Duties of Buyer and Seller

Rights and Duties of Buyer and Seller

Rights and Duties of Buyer and Seller in a Contract of Sale: There are certain terms and conditions in a contract without which no contract can be executed. These terms and conditions may include time, place of delivery of goods, etc. These terms and conditions are the rights and duties of the parties(buyer and seller) to the contract which has