Definition of Contract of Agency and Its Essentials

Contract of agency and its essentials

A contract of agency is a two-party relationship in which one person acts as a representative to the other in business dealings in order to create contractual relations between that other and a third person. An agency may be created to perform any act that the creator of the agency himself could lawfully do. Relevant Provisions: Section 182 to 187,

Contract Breach

Contract Breach

Introduction to Contract Breach When one of the contracting parties refuses or fails to perform his part or obligation which he promised to perform, is a Contract Breach. A breach may be one by nonperformance, by repudiation, or by both. Every breach gives rise to a claim for damages & may also give rise to other remedies. Relevant Provisions Sections

Offer in Contract Law

offer in contract law

In the formation of a contract, the essential requirement is that there should be a consensus between the contracting parties by means of offer & acceptance. There must be a definite offer by one party to the other and an unqualified acceptance by the other party. Here you will know the offer in contract law in detail. Relevant Provisions: Sections

Acceptance in Contract Law

Acceptance in contract law

In the formation of a contract, the essential requirement is that there should be a consensus between the contracting parties by means of proposal/offer and acceptance. There must be a definite proposal/offer by one party to the other and an unqualified acceptance by the other party. Here you will learn in detail acceptance in contract law. Relevant Provisions: Section 2(b),

Damnum Sine Injuria

Damnum Sine Injuria

Meaning of Damnum Sine Injuria: The word ‘Damnum’ means ‘Damage’. The word ‘sine’ means ‘without’. And the word ‘injuria’ means ‘violation of legal right’. Thus, Damnum sine lnjuria i.e. actual and substantial loss without infringement of legal right. Explanation: According to this maxim proof of damage however heavy would not be actionable as a Tort in the absence of proof

Wagering Agreement & Essentials

wagering agreement

Introduction to Wagering Agreement The primary meaning of ‘wagering’ is staking something of value upon the result of some future uncertain event, such as a horse race, or upon the ascertainment of the truth concerning some past or present event, such as the population of a city. Section 30 of the Contract Act, of 1872, expressly declares wagering agreements void.

Sovereignty: Definition and Kinds


Introduction to Sovereignty: The word ‘sovereign’ is commonly used in the sense of a king or monarch, possessing the highest unlimited powers in the state, but in jurisprudence, a sovereign is one who enforces the law. Meaning of Sovereignty: (i) In the Literal sense: The term sovereignty means supreme dominion, authority, or rule. (ii) In its popular sense: The term

Imperative Theory of Law

imperative theory of law

Introduction to Imperative Theory of Law: Hobbes, a philosopher of the 17th century, A.D., was the founder of the theory that man is by nature a selfish animal. He is not a social animal and finds nothing but grief in the company of his fellow human beings and lives in continual fear of danger and violent death. This state of