Article 95: Vote of No Confidence Against Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of Pakistan is the Head of the Government. The 1973 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides the method of the removal of the Prime Minister in Article 95 part III, chapter III.

Relevant Provisions:

Article 95 of the 1973 Constitution provides for the removal of the Prime Minister.

Removal of the Prime Minister Through Vote of No Confidence (Article 95):

Following is the procedure for the removal of the Prime Minister:

Resolution of the Vote of No Confidence (Article 95(1)):

According to Article 95(1), in order to remove the Prime Minister, The members of the National Assembly have to move a resolution for a vote of no confidence.

Number of Votes Required Removing the Prime Minister (Article 95(1)):

According to Article 95(1), a resolution for a vote of no confidence must be moved by not less than twenty percent of the total membership of the National Assembly.

Period of Voting Upon Resolution (Article 95(2)):

A resolution shall not be voted upon before the expiration of three days or later than seven days from the day on which such resolution is moved in the National Assembly.

Circumstance for the Non-Movement of the Resolution (Article 95(3)):

A resolution shall not be moved in the National Assembly When the National Assembly is considering demands for grants submitted to it in the Annual Budget Statement.

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Prime Minister to Cease to Hold Office (Article 95(4)):

If a majority of the total membership of the National Assembly passes the resolution, the Prime Minister shall cease to hold office.

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